Why a shed makes a great Christmas Present

Having trouble thinking of a Christmas present to get your significant other?? Fishing gear, hunting gear, something for your house hold– these are great ideas, but they all have something in common. They need storage. Here are three reasons why a shed might make a great Christmas present.

  • Contrary to popular belief a storage shed can be delivered in Winter. Depending on the weather, we are happy to deliver your shed as soon as we possibly can. Chances are we are going to be able to get you your shed sooner than later, but if sooner doesn’t work – we can always get you on the schedule for an early spring delivery.
  • We offer many types of financing options. You can put a down payment or pay one month’s rental payment on our popular Rent To Own program. This will allow you to only make a small payment before your shed gets delivered, even if you don’t want it delivered until spring.
  • Tax write off opportunity. In some cases, you may have an opportunity to do a tax right off AND purchase someone a Christmas gift. You will want to talk to your tax provider to make sure you are eligible, but in some cases,  this can be a great way to purchase your shed.

Contact us today in order to purchase your shed.



Quick Shed Buying Guide

YOUR SHED BUYING GUIDE: Shed buying doesn't have to be hard, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't overlook a few things. When determining what shed to buy, here are a few key items to keep in mind.  1) What are you going to store?  Will you be storing small garden...

Happy New Year – 2024!!!

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A guide to buying a shed in Fall

A Guide to buying a shed in the Fall: Fall is two weeks away. Shortly, the leaves will start to turn colors and eventually fall off. Football has already started, and occasionally there is a chill in the air in the morning.  Fall to us at 605 Sheds means football,...


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Get 20% off any shed built in 2024.

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Hurry while supplies last!!!



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