The 605 Sheds Difference – Portable Storage Sheds for Sale

605 Sheds


We know that there are many different types of portable storage sheds for sale. We also know that you will shop around for the best portable storage shed for sale, and we hope that after looking at others you come back to us. After all, we haven’t earned the title of “the best sheds in the Midwest” for no reason. It is hard to understand why and how our portable storage sheds are different, but we wanted to highlight a few reasons below to help you with your decision.



  • LP SmartSide Siding – We have searched for the best siding, and all paths lead us back to LP lap siding. The beauty in the siding is unmatched with the rich cedar grain texture or smooth finish. This siding will enhance your home’s curb appeal as it will provide an architectural balance that’s visually appealing and welcoming. Not only is this siding appeasing on the eyes, but it is also durable. LP lap siding resists hail and impact damage better than fiber cement and vinyl siding. It also stands up to harsh weather, which is important in the Dakotas. Finally, it will resist termites and fungal decay.


  • Double-studded seams – This in itself may not seem important, however, the seams of a shed can be the weakest point. That is why 605 Sheds have decided to put double studs on every one of the seams. This small added upgrade has helped our sheds stand against the North and South Dakota weather for many seasons!!


  • Tongue and Groove Flooring – Our flooring is different compared to many competitors in that we just don’t nail plywood to the floor. We use tongue and groove flooring which provides a tight, solid and microscopic seam. This flooring, when installed correctly, can help insulate and provide moisture control inside your shed.


  • Green Treated Wood – Any exposed wood on our sheds are pressurized and treated to provide a strong long-lasting wood. Green treated wood will not decay and can stand up to the winter and harsh humid summer that the Dakotas provide.


  • Metal Roof – Click here to see the benefits of a metal roof vs a shingled roof.


These reasons are only a select on why our sheds are “the best in the Midwest”. If you have any other questions, make sure to visit with your local dealer or contact us today!!

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