Building vs. Buying

We get this question all the time. Why don’t we just build our own shed, it may save us some money? The truth. Your absolutely right. Maybe. Or absolutely wrong. It just depends.

A shed manufacturer such as 605 Sheds, has the capability to buy materials in bulk and get price discounts. We also have designed an efficient way of building our sheds, and delivering them. Therefore, as reflected in our prices, we are typically the most cost effective in the area when it comes to purchasing high quality and long lasting sheds.

If you have the time, and the ability we always recommend to a potential customer to build their own shed. The food always tastes better when you cook it yourself parallels building a shed. We believe the amount of joy and satisfaction you can get from building your own storage shed can sometimes outweigh the cost. Key word — SOMETIMES.

Our material savings, and efficient process means we can get a shed to you as cost effective as possible. If you were to build a shed, chances are you can get materials for cheaper then a shed we would sell you. However, you need to add in your time and labor when building a shed. If you find that you have the ability and time to make a shed, we say go for it.

If not, you can always contact us for a free quote today!!

Merry Christmas from 605 Sheds!!!

Christmas is here and we have so many things to be Thankful for this year.  Our customers, employees, and family members that put up with our slight obsession to storage sheds have made this year one of our best!!! Christmas is the time to sit down and reflect...

Thankful for YOU!!

We can only say ONE thing on this Thanksgiving day! THANK YOU!! We have had the opportunity to serve over 400+ communities and it makes us feel grateful that we live in the wonderful Midwest. Enjoy TODAY and may you surround yourself with loved ones!!

Beat the Fall Rush:

Buying a shed can sometimes be a decision that is procrastinated until it may be too late. More times than not, one will realize they need a shed as the winter approaches. Unfortunately, if you are thinking you need a shed it may be better to pull the trigger now....