Buying a Shed in 2022

Buying a shed Pre-Covid vs buying a shed Post-Covid has changed, and we hope for the better. I like to compare it to car buying before the internet came out.  Prior to the internet, car buyers test drove dozens of cars to find the perfect one. Nowadays, 90% of people who step on a car lot to buy a car know pretty much the make and model they want to buy before talking to a salesperson. They know this because of the research they have done online and for the trust they have in the car manufacturer.  The same is now being said about the shed industry. Prior to the lumber shortage brought on by COVID, shed buyers would go from lot to lot to check out dozens of sheds before settling on the one they like.  Now, shed buyers have the luxury of checking out shed companies online before buying. Although the lumber shortage is getting better, inventory levels remain low. This means that a potential shed buyer can check out a company online and have an idea on exactly what they want before talking to a shed dealer. So, although the shed they want may not be at the lot, they can still order exactly what they want.  Check out and build one of our sheds at

Merry Christmas from 605 Sheds!!!

Christmas is here and we have so many things to be Thankful for this year.  Our customers, employees, and family members that put up with our slight obsession to storage sheds have made this year one of our best!!! Christmas is the time to sit down and reflect...

Thankful for YOU!!

We can only say ONE thing on this Thanksgiving day! THANK YOU!! We have had the opportunity to serve over 400+ communities and it makes us feel grateful that we live in the wonderful Midwest. Enjoy TODAY and may you surround yourself with loved ones!!

Beat the Fall Rush:

Buying a shed can sometimes be a decision that is procrastinated until it may be too late. More times than not, one will realize they need a shed as the winter approaches. Unfortunately, if you are thinking you need a shed it may be better to pull the trigger now....