Metal Gusset vs Plywood Gusset

605 Sheds is known for its premium flooring and large notched skids that create the perfect base for your shed.  We always tell an interested customer to look at the base when buying a shed and you’ll see why our sheds are build the best. However, today we want to explain why looking up is also important. There are a few things you will see, such as ceiling rafters, OSB, and gusset plates. This article will focus on a gusset plate and why we choose our design vs. the others available.  

A gusset plate is a plate for connecting beams and columns and is used to strengthen the joint. This is especially important in the Midwest as snow can make for an extra heavy roof.  That is why we choose metal gussets that are machine pressed into all of our joints.  Our gussets are industry leading in the weight it can support. We also strategically place our gussets in a way that provides the most possible support for the roof.  Compare this to plywood or OSB gussets that are glued on, and one can easily understand that

605 Sheds are affordable, built to last, and use top notch components to build the best shed in the Midwest. We also provide an unmatched warranty and lastly, we are also Midwest owned and operated. Contact us today to see how we can serve you!

Quick Shed Buying Guide

YOUR SHED BUYING GUIDE: Shed buying doesn't have to be hard, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't overlook a few things. When determining what shed to buy, here are a few key items to keep in mind.  1) What are you going to store?  Will you be storing small garden...

Happy New Year – 2024!!!

I remember the last day of 1999. The whole world was on edge as the year was about to turn to 2000. Y2K meant the end of the world as the computers thought we were reverting back to 1900 instead of 2000 and the whole world would turn into mass chaos. As the clock...

A guide to buying a shed in Fall

A Guide to buying a shed in the Fall: Fall is two weeks away. Shortly, the leaves will start to turn colors and eventually fall off. Football has already started, and occasionally there is a chill in the air in the morning.  Fall to us at 605 Sheds means football,...


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