Not All Sheds are Created Equal

It’s easy for us to sit back and criticize other sheds. However, we aren’t going to do that. In fact, much of the work that goes into making sure our sheds are the sturdiest around usually came from another manufacturer. We aren’t inventing the wheel here, just trying to make it better. So what do we look at when comparing sheds? We’ve compiled a list for you so when you are ready to purchase a shed, you can make sure what to look at as well.

  1. Type of roof — Most shed manufacturers will use either a shingle or a metal roof. We also know that there are certain zoning laws that require one to either get a metal or shingle roof. However, if given the chance, we always recommend going with a metal roof. We were one of the first to bring a metal roof in the area, and given the midwest winters it’s hard to wonder how people got by with shingle roofs for so long. Typically, with our sheds, the metal roof will last longer then the shed itself.
  2. Siding — LP Smartside siding is really the only way to go when zoning allows. The siding is coated with way for moisture resistance and bonded with resin and other binders. The warranty of LP siding is covered for 50 years and this includes hail damage. LP is really the only way to go when building a storage shed that will last in the midwest.
  3. Flooring – This is where we stand out to a lot of our competitors. Not only does our floor have a beautiful, professional-grade appearance with no knots or voids, it also is treated with SmartGuard. This protects the shed against fungal decay and termite or other bug damage. It also resists warping, splitting, and cracking.
  4. Skids – Last, but not least. Our sheds use large, notched 4×6 skids. This creates a VERY STURDY base for the shed. Arguably, the most important part of the shed we hope this is the first thing you look at when comparing sheds.

Now that you know what to look for when comparing sheds, we know you’ll come back to us. Contact us or visit a local dealer to get your shed buying process started today!!!

Merry Christmas from 605 Sheds!!!

Christmas is here and we have so many things to be Thankful for this year.  Our customers, employees, and family members that put up with our slight obsession to storage sheds have made this year one of our best!!! Christmas is the time to sit down and reflect...

Thankful for YOU!!

We can only say ONE thing on this Thanksgiving day! THANK YOU!! We have had the opportunity to serve over 400+ communities and it makes us feel grateful that we live in the wonderful Midwest. Enjoy TODAY and may you surround yourself with loved ones!!

Beat the Fall Rush:

Buying a shed can sometimes be a decision that is procrastinated until it may be too late. More times than not, one will realize they need a shed as the winter approaches. Unfortunately, if you are thinking you need a shed it may be better to pull the trigger now....