Merry Christmas from 605 Sheds!!!

Storage Shed

Christmas is here and we have so many things to be Thankful for this year.  Our customers, employees, and family members that put up with our slight obsession to storage sheds have made this year one of our best!!!

Christmas is the time to sit down and reflect the things that we are thankful for.  It’s a time for us to see family members that you may not to get to see as much as you’d like. It’s a time to sip on holiday drinks and eat more food then we should. It’s a time to share presents with our loved ones and watch the smile on our child’s face when they open a present from Santa because they were a good boy or girl (or sometimes naughty J).

We wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and A HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And Remember, Christ is the reason for the Season!!

God Bless you all,

From all of us at 605 Sheds!

Not All Sheds are Created Equal

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Thankful for YOU!!

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