Beat the Fall Rush:

Buying a shed can sometimes be a decision that is procrastinated until it may be too late. More times than not, one will realize they need a shed as the winter approaches. Unfortunately, if you are thinking you need a shed it may be better to pull the trigger now.

Many shed companies will experience the “fall rush”. This can push delivery times out and therefore can be a race against mother nature.  605 Sheds does take pride in delivering throughout the winter. Our machines and equipment do allow us to move sheds even if there is snow on the ground. However, we do everything with safety in mind and will not move a shed if it is slippery, windy, or low visibility.

If you are thinking about buying a shed, beat the fall rush and meet a local dealer today!!!

Buying a Shed in 2022

Buying a shed Pre-Covid vs buying a shed Post-Covid has changed, and we hope for the better. I like to compare it to car buying before the internet came out.  Prior to the internet, car buyers test drove dozens of cars to find the perfect one. Nowadays, 90% of...

Derecho and 605 Sheds

For the second time this year, a Derecho swept across the midwest. Before this year, we had no idea what a Derecho was. However, we have been quickly reminded that mother nature is still in charge. The high speed storm took out farmer's fields, machinery, tore off...

Will Lumber Prices Go Down?

Let us start off by saying we can't predict the future. It was our hope that lumber prices would have went down by now, but they haven't. Who knows when they will, and if they will. However, here is our recommendation on why now is a good time to buy a shed even with...


Get 15% off any shed built in 2024.

Receive 20% off any shed built before 2024.

Hurry while supplies last!!!



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