Dog Kennels for Sale from 605 Sheds

605 Sheds has recently entered the Dog Kennel world because of our love for animals and construction. These dog kennels will have the same craftsmanship you are used to seeing in our sheds including green treated lumber, LP Siding, and 40-year steel roofs. We will also be using Behlen constructed gates for the fencing to ensure strong and lasting kennels. These gates are primed with a rust inhibiting zinc primer and top coated with our premium powder coat paint. Made of 1 5/8’ tubing and 6 gauge 2’ by 4’ mesh. Although our standard sizes come in 10 x 10 and 10 x 16, we can customize your dog kennel the way you need it.

Our dog kennels currently come in 3 different styles:

High Style:

Standard Sizes – 10 x 10 OR 10 x 16

Dog Kennel Dog Kennel Dog Kennel

Sleek and stylish, the 6 foot of kennel has a foot of space before the roof line. This style is recommended for dogs that don’t have a history of climbing fences J. It offers everything you are looking for in a kennel. The dog will have ample space to roam outside, and a protective interior. It also allows the dog’s owner to store all of the dog food, toys, and any other storage needed to raise your pooch the way you want to.


Low Style:

Standard Sizes – 10 x 10 OR 10 x 16

Dog Kennel

This dog kennel is similar to the high style, however, we’ve added trim in between the kennel and the roof line just in case your pooch has a tendency to climb. This will ensure the dog will not be able to climb out. It comes with everything you need including the dog space and storage.  The 10 x 10 is perfect for one dog, and the 10 x 16 is perfect for two. However, we can customize to make it the way you like it.


Side Utility:

Standard Sizes – 10 X 10 OR 10 x 16

Dog Kennel 10 x 10 Low Style

This dog kennel comes with all the cool standards as the Low or High style, but we shifted it sideways. Perfect if you want a longer facing front for the dogs, and still great for storage and protection for your pooches. All of our kennels come with Behlen fencing, and is made in the USA!!


Contact us today to get started, or visit our Dog Kennel Page to learn more!!

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